
14 days program

Know the power of brain.

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30 days program

Learn the reading Methodology 

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90 days program

Depth on chosen subject matter

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1 yrs program

Transform your learning habit 

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3 yrs program

Transform yourself 

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gap in the

current Education system

Inadequate resources : Many schools struggle with inadequate  which can result in an outdated technology, and insufficient staffing. This can limit the quality of education provided to students.

Standardised testing: Many education systems rely heavily on standardised testing, which can limit creativity and critical thinking skills. It can also result in a "teach to the test" mentality and ignore other important aspects of education.

Limited focus on life skills: The current education system often places a strong emphasis on academic achievement but does not always provide students with the necessary life skills, such as financial literacy, time management, and communication skills.

Outdated curriculum: The curriculum in many schools may not be reflective of the current world and job market, which can leave students unprepared for the workforce. AE(ADDSTEM Education ) is addressing all these gaps to ensure that all students receive a high-quality education that prepares them for success in the 21st century.

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Awareness program
years of research

What are the High Challenges

As an individual and also as a society, we are well equipped with old traditional model where we appreciate generalised test, Standardised evaluation, teaching, way, outdated curriculum, and many more. It’s challenging as an organisation to shift the mindset of an individual and specially of parents and teacher who are completely into the system and a part of it from last many years. 

To bring any new model a whole new paradigm shift is required. Mindset and mind shift are two challenging task. Lack of awareness among individual is one of the major reason to these challenges. To get over this challenge,  AddSTEM is penetrating softly in schools and colleges through its mindfulness programme. Mindfulness programme is a three day orientation programme where child practice focused reading and develop self reading habit . Once self learning habit and focus reading habit are formed, their intrinsic learning gear up and they become self driven learners. Mindfulness program is a robust Mind Shift program.

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We want the education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one’s own feet.”

swami vivekanad
 Swami vivekanand

 Gandhi said, “By education, I mean all-around drawing out of the best in child and man-body mind and spirit'

mahatma gandhi
mahatma gandhi 

"Nothing is more sacred than education"
