Master in LEARNING

Presenting you a new  model of education system after 12 yrs of deep research.

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About Our Company

AddSTEM signifies-

Add : Integrate different dimensions

SSpirituality (in a world where information are coming from           each and every direction , to channelise ones energy is extremely  necessary)

T : True Education (Education of this era rather than 150 year old syllabus)

E : Entrepreneurship (How money works)

M : Mindfulness (ultimate focus is required for any creation)

It is an educational reform company.

AddSTEM intends to catapult the mindset of the youth toward building a culture of research and innovation across the nation. The Company, with its concept of SMILE ( Self-motivated Intelligent Learning Environment) and the Seven stages of learning model, has a vision to transform the learning journey of students .  


Limitless Possibilites

ADDSTEM provides an Ecosystem System that enables self motivation, insightful & mindful learning.

Success demands many abilities to develop dynamic capabilities which are no easy feat.SMILE foster that abilities in you. 

AddTEM Guarantee 360 degree development as its students are rare combination of Mindfulness and RBL. OUR unique design is just a combination of three dots .Mindfulness . Learn to learn. RBL. This proves to be a milestone in your child learning journey. 



Collaborative Educational model

competitive educational model

 Advanced and Updated syllabus


150 years old syllabus

Customised Learning


Generalised Learning

Natural Methods of Learning


Artificial Learning

Categories  -

 Thinker, Innovators, Researchers


Topper, Average, Failure

Outcomes -

Depth of concept, Mindful, Clear vision


Knowledge less, Stressful, Insecure, Unemployed

Evaluation -

 Self Evaluation

Teachers Evaluation

Before learning -Brain Activation


 No Activity

Learning Environment -SMILE

self motivated insightful learning environment

Unorganised and Messed up
learn to learn 
research based learning



What does your two decades of education yield? How much money have you invested in your schooling? What is your return on investment? Are you delivering the same for your child? This is where AddSTEM Education comes into play. In a world where innovation is the new normal, our education still clings to a 150-year-old syllabus, whereas

AddSTEM emerges as the most revolutionary solution. If you're fed up with the competitive and disorganised educational environment, AddSTEM Education offers you the refreshing change you have been waiting for. AddSTEM utilises the latest up-to-date syllabus that fosters collaboration and tailored learning experiences in three years. We explore deep concepts, fostering clarity and mindfulness in our students. We nurture critical thinkers, innovative minds and dedicated researchers. Join us to revolutionise your child's learning with AddSTEM because the 21st century expects nothing less.

10+ years of research

Add STEM Model

Classroom teaching has its own fixed speed, where a student is unable to catch up with that speed, he gets disheartened and might even give up.                                                                                                                                                

Here comes smile, SMILE stand for self motivated, intelligent, learning environment. It’s an environment of learning where different level of intellect learn their interesting domain, at their own pace at one given time. It’s a natural form of an educational model where child is set under a SMILE environment to act under the environment. As a result of which child eventually develop a learning buds  and start to thrive in their Respective domain.                                                                                                                         
And the most, enticing part at a smile is we believe competition is for losers so we have developed a collaboration model.                                                                             
Smile is a collaborative model where child every day compete with self rather than competing with others.  Under SMILE model eventually our student become thinker, researchers and scholars and teachers get transform to leaders. Through smile, model teacher and student both create an ambience in which they stay in a creation mode, and elevate their learning at one single time. The beautiful part of this model is silence.  All this happens under Dhyan Mudra.                                            
Self-assessment , focused learning, customised learning, learn, think, imagine, innovate all these are the beautiful and wonderful architecture of this SMILE model. Let’s together bring this smile to every child .
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AddSTEM  Gallery 

Creative Members

Reecha kumari


Girish Rajhans

Co - founder

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Reema Kashyap

Chief advisor

Ritesh kumar


Entrepreneur views on education

''.'''Don't confuse schooling with education. I didn't go to Harvard but the people that work for me did.'''

elon musk
elon musk

My biggest disappointment is the India's education system, it needs to be better than it is today..'''

images billgates
bill gates

'' India’s educational framework needs to be changed completely .''

Apj abdul kalam


ADDSTEM is fuelled by the vision of building a research culture across the globe. This inevitably will develop innovation culture which in turn drastically will change the society. 

Fixed understanding doesn’t endure Innovation. Making understand any concept complacent curiosity which breeds failure in learning .



mission 2
Planting 10,000 Add STEM across the globe in coming 10 yrs                                                                      
Training 2 lakh learning coach
Developing 1 crore young mind/ Researchers.